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Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

Design Practice:

Teodora Panayotova & Max Baklayan

Project Title:

Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

Project Location:

Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Design Practice Location:

Sofija grad, Bulgaria

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

Tavex’s new home was designed to be an inspirational space in which all of employees will feel welcomed. The designers applied the ‘design thinking’ method to solve the main problem: how to entice the rest of the 91 employees into a space normally used by around 15?

Tavex worked closely with all staff to formalize the concept – a place that serves as an office during the work day, but after 7 p.m. and on weekends, turns into a bar and entertainment venue. Tavex always encourages employees potential for creativity by arranging the workspace in a way that allows everyone to find a new perspective and not be limited by their point of view. The glass partitions, the open-plan spaces gift employees the freedom of always-changing views and endless opportunities to look at the world around you in a new way.

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