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House Of Arts


01. CGI & Visualisation

Design Practice:


Project Title:

House Of Arts

Project Location:

Madrid, Spain

Design Practice Location:

Madrid, Spain

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

SBID Awards Finalist: 2024
House Of Arts

The interior of the private residence "House of Arts," designed by the company Franzhulo, is a magnificent combination of ethnic house and modern technology. The interior was designed for a large family so the living room is a very important place in the house. There are many handcrafted items, which were integrated into the overall interior concept: large decorative ceramic panel, ceramic mirror frames, glazed ceramic tiles inlaid into bedside tables and dresser, hot batik products, copper embossing and carpets. All those pieces of decorative and applied art are handcrafted by craftsmen according to the author's design of Valeria Franzhulo.

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