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Hotel zum Hirschen


03. Hotel Bedroom & Suites Design - Europe

Design Practice:

Studio Eliste

Project Title:

Hotel zum Hirschen

Project Location:

Salzburg, Austria

Design Practice Location:

Salzburg, Austria

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

SBID Awards Finalist: 2024
Hotel zum Hirschen

The Hotel zum Hirschen, a longstanding institution in Salzburg, has been masterfully transformed into a modern haven for its 11th generation owners by Studio Eliste. This ambitious project seamlessly blends contemporary architecture with the historic charm of the original building. The concept includes serviced apartments, rooms and suites, all meticulously designed to enhance comfort and relaxation. Specially commissioned pieces from renowned producers, including Atelier Areti for lighting, underscore the hotel's bespoke nature. Additionally, a local female gallerist curated the art, adding a unique touch to the interiors. This blend of modern design and historical essence creates an exceptional guest experience.

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