1. CGI & Visualisation 2. Club & Bar Design 3. Healthcare & Wellness Design 4. Hotel Bedroom & Suites Design 5. Hotel Public Space Design 6. Kitchen Design 7. Office Design Over 2,000 SqM 8. Office Design Under 2,000 SqM 9. Property Development Asia Pacific 10. Public Space 11. Residential Apartment Over £1M 12. Residential Apartment Under £1M 13. Residential Budget Up To £50k 14. Residential House Over £1M 15. Residential House Under £1M 16. Restaurant Design 17. Retail Design 18. Show Flats & Developments 19. Ultra-Luxury Residential Property
1. Flooring & Floor Coverings 2. Furniture – Contract 3. Furniture – Residential 4. KBB Products 5. Lighting 6. Product of the Year – Contract 7. Product of the Year – Residential 8. Surfaces & Finishes
1. Contract Fit Out Project of the Year 2. Residential Fit Out Project of the Year 3. Workplace Fit Out Project of the Year
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