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Apartment with History

Design Practice:


Project Title:

Apartment with History

Project Location:

Kyyiv, Ukraine

Design Practice Location:

Kyyiv, Ukraine

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

Apartment with History Living Room Design

The apartment is located in the centre of Kiev in a house whose architectural heritage dates from the 19th century. There are high ceilings, a clear rhythm of windows and good proportions in every room. The project is created in the American classic style of with an emphasis on art déco. The owners of apartments like these prefer quiet, elegant interiors, à la Ralph Lauren. This apartment will make you feel comfortable and cosy; there isn’t any overblown show of luxury to distract the eye. The square footage of the living space is 120 square metres. It consists of the following rooms: foyer, living room, kitchen-dining room, cabinet, bedroom with walk-in closet, bathroom, pantry and laundry. The main space: foyer, living room and kitchen-dining room are designed as a studio. Functional zoning is emphasised by the multilevel ceiling and particularly through the interior objects.


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