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Valeri Apartments

Design Practice:

V.Concept studio

Project Title:

Valeri Apartments

Project Location:

Kyyiv, Ukraine

Design Practice Location:

Kyyiv, Ukraine

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

V.Concept studio designed a neoclassical-style apartment in a home-hotel format for an adult married couple. Space had to be self-contained and not overloaded with too many elements. It had to create an atmosphere of a hotel room somewhere in the north of Italy. The studio area became a functional space for relaxing, dining, and cooking. The master block includes a dressing room, a loggia, and a bathroom. There is also a guest room for the couple’s sons who usually come to their parents’ on holidays from their universities abroad. It was essential to convey the atmosphere of “mother’s space,” where the table is always set with fresh fruit and dried flowers that the mother collected in vases.

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